Jai Shankar Gopalan
Founder Book My Career
Is it reduction or more focus on specific areas which the student shows ability ,interest and aptitude
Till the age group of 7 to 8 years, the schooling system should focus on making the process of learning an important part of his or her life. Basic elements of communication, logic, sports ,culture and nature need to be covered. All these are should be kept in a liberal environment and the process should have two aspects , a) Ability of the child to learn by self and explore his or her learning methods, b) For the facilitators to observe the various nurturing skills in each individual child and building social skills which they can carry back home to their families and practice.
Between the age of 7-8 to 12-13, allow the child to learn areas which they are wanting to perform their acquired knowledge from previous years. The speed of learning and the level of learning and adjustments to their strengths can be ascertained in this period. The key focus of this age bracket are to build the ability to confidently perform and find out their own areas where they are comfortable to practice and excel themselves. Again the role of the facilitator here is to stretch their abilities continuously and challenge each child to better themselves in each step.
From the age of 12-13 to 19 and upwards, to put them into vocational training relating their strengths, ability, interests and aptitude in the industrial and economic society. This enables the bifurcation to various streams , vocations and professions. Here is where the assessment and testing to self evaluate begins. Internship and self funding also should begin from the age of 16 onwards.
Infrastructure is more than sufficient in terms of space.
Resources are available and can be funded by the industry
Human resources need to be retrained to look into facilitation of the learner from teaching of subject.
Examinations need to be reoriented to become more self evaluation technique
Students build on their ability and learn more of what they are good at. They start early and thus become economically self sufficient earlier. This means that the depth of learning is more than what it is now, expect that each student learns those topics and subject that they are more able and interested in. This also is more optimum use of all the resources, meaning the right student is using the training resources for more productive work.
Relevance of the skills and knowledge imparted becomes a continuous change to suit the requirements of the industry which is to absorb this work force.
Keeping the above in mind the change for syllabus should be towards more learning rather than reducing. It is to be liberal for a student to learn more of what he or she is able and interested in.
In case you are interested , we can discuss the detailed syllabus and methodology further